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Plentzia, Gorliz, Barrika and Sopela; four formidable beaches and one very different way to explore them – on a surf board. Ready?

Ride the waves as you enjoy the spectacular views afforded by these very special surroundings, including the Gorliz-Plentzia-Barrika bay, the wonderful wave at the mouth of the Plentzia estuary and the cliffs surrounding Barinatxe beach.

How long is the activity?

Option 1. UribeKosta Surf Eskola: surf session with a professional guide. 3 hours

Option 2. Barrika Surf Camp: surf session with a professional guide. 2 hours, 4 hours, 6 hours, 10 hours or 14 hours

Who can join in?

Option 1. Minimum number: 1 person. Maximum number: 40 people.

Option 2. Minimum number: 1 person. Maximum number: 15 people.


Option 1:
1 person 60 €
2 people 40 € per person
3 people 30 € per person 
4 people 25 € per person  
5 people 23 € per person
6 people 22 € per person
7 people 21 € per person
8 people 20 € per person
9 people and over,19.50 € per person

Option 2:
2 hours / 1 day - 35 € per person
4 hours / 2 days - 60 € per person
6 hours / 3 days - 90 € per person
10 hours / 5 days - 182 € per person
14 hours / 7 days - 212 € per person


Spanish, Basque and English.


Year-round. Fixed dates. We recommend spring and summer.