In Uribe you have the possibility to make different short excursions that will show you, at each step, the landscapes and singularities of each area combining coastal and inland scenarios. Here you will find a selection of 44 routes to discover Uribe from tip to tip.
- A Village on High (Arrieta) 12 km
- The Faith in our Neighbourhoods: a walk around our chapels (Arrieta) 13 km
- The Chapels Route (Bakio) 11 km
- Inland Bakio (Bakio) 9 km
- The Mansion anda Villa Route (Bakio) 4,5 km
- The Cliff Route (Sopela-Barrika-Plentzia) 11 Km
- Memorial itinerary (Berango-Sopela) 2,87 km
- Rural Erandio (Erandio) 9,91 km
- Lutxana-Faoeta-Erandiogoikoa (Erandio) 7,29 km
- Architectural Altzaga (Erandio) 2,87 km
- Astrabudua-Lutxana (Erandio) 3,50 km
- Geological route: Axpuru (Hirugurutzeta) (Erandio) 1,98 km
- From Fruiz to Fika (Fruiz) 7,8 km
- Memorial itinerary (Gamiz-Fika) 9,1 km
- The castle on the river Butrón (Gatika-Plentzia) 7,7 km
- Astondo-Billano-Ermua (Route of the three sumits/Route of the lighthouse of Gorliz) (Gorliz) 9,2 km
- Larrabideak route (Larrabetzu) 10,9 km
- Bazaldu Mountain Route (Laukiz) 7,06 km
- Route of the three chapels (Leioa) 10,5 km
- Lighthouse route (Lemoiz/Armintza) 4,6 km
- Goitioltza Route (Lezama) 7,74 km
- Dorrea route (Lezama) 6,65 km
- Walk back to Loiu (Loiu) 11,5 km
- Climb to Santa Cruz and Jata (Maruri-Jatabe) 8,6 km
- English Line (Maruri-Jatabe) 12 km
- From Meñaka to Sollube (Meñaka) 6,5 km
- The Atxuri Green Route (Mungia) 3,7 km
- Walk through Sondika (Sondika) 4,3 km
- Historical tombs trekking (Sopela-Berango) 3 km.
- Munarrikolanda Route, historical tombs trekking (Sopela/Berango) 3 km. Cyclable.
- Iron belt memorial route (Berango-Sopela) 2,87 km
- Walk around Urduliz-Txiri Txiri (Urduliz) 6,3 km
- Memorial itinerary (Urduliz) 3,82 km
- Arroeta-Ganguren (Short route). (Zamudio) 12,73 km
- Arroeta-Ganguren (Long route). (Zamudio) 13,69 km
- Memorial itinerary (Zamudio) 11,17 km
- The Oxinaga Trail PR BI - 250 (Zamudio) 2 km
- Way of St. James (Larrabetzu-Lezama-Zamudio)
- GR 280 (Larrabetzu-Larrabetzu) 19,63 km
- GR 280 (Sopela-Derio) 27,79 km
- GR 280 (Derio-Arrieta) 16,11 km
- GR 280 (Arrieta-Bakio) 17,18 km
- GR 280 (Bakio-Armintza) 18,52 km
- GR 280 (Armintza-Sopela) 17,39 km
- GR 280 (Plentzia-Mungia-Gamiz-Fika) 22,20 km