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While visiting Uribe, don't be surprised if you come across a bunker, or a  trench, or a gun emplacement. These are the remains of the defensive line known as the 'Iron Ring', built by the Provisional Government of the Basque Country in an attempt to protect Bilbao.

The echoes of war attract numerous visitors, interested in learning all about this piece of military history, complete with its tales of deserters and spies.

To accompany you on this intriguing route, you will find numerous information panels in the following towns: Barrika, Berango, Sopela, Urduliz, Laukiz, Gatika, Loiu, Mungia, Derio, Zamudio, Gamiz-Fika, Lezama and Larrabetzu.

Other war-time remains are to be found in Gorliz, Maruri-Jatabe and the Iron Belt Interpretation Centre in Berango. Here you can browse different panels with various graphic explanations and an exhibition of objects and documents which make up one of the most important collections of its type in the Basque Country.